The miniTOC instrument uses the classical flow-through concept for online or offline TOC monitoring of pure and ultra pure water.The efficient UV oxidation of organic compounds by the “direct surface” principle in combination with conductivity detection guarantees the fast monitoring of values.
The uniTOC device uses the full oxidation by UV. The oxidation process can be enhanced with additional dosage of reagent (persulfate). By using the NDIR detector the uniTOC gives precise results in applications of ground water to ultrapure water. The NDIR detector is absolutely selective to carbon dioxide and therefore independent from conductivity and sample temperature. Measuring times are short and the continuous self-cleaning of the reactor avoids any cross-contamination. Since the quality of the stripped gas can be low, the use of pressurised air in combination with our air filters saves money and is optionally available.
IONUS can be used for the analysis of anions and cations in research, development and everyday routine: drinking water and tap water as well as for waters within the scope of environmentally relevant investigations. This chromatograph separates anions (for anions optionally with suppressor technology) according to EPA 300.0 and EPA 300.1 and cations.
The Astacus² system is designed for the production of ultra pure water out of permeate from a reverse osmosis or deionised water. The Astacus² water purification system is available in different configurations (Reagent, Analytical & LifeScience) to meet the specific requirements of ultra pure water for different applications. Analytical is a version with UV lamp for low TOC value. Life Science version comes with UV lamp and Ultrafiltration Module for low TOC and low endotoxin values. An optionally integrated TOC sensor allows the user to monitor the TOC content permanentely online. Besides that the Astacus² can be configured as bench top or bench-integrated system with external panel and wall mounted (with inclined display). The μS-control checks the conductivity of feed water to protect the cartridges against inappropriate feed water. If conductivity is too high the water flow will be rejected.