A tensiometer measures the surface tension of a liquid or the interfacial tension between two immiscible liquids. Surface tension influences properties in a system and is an important parameter in characterising a liquids ability to wet a solid surface and to understand adhesion. Several techniques are described in literature and inherent to the most precise of these methods is to measure the weight of the meniscus using a balance. This method is used in all Kibron’s tensiometers
The Kibron Aqua Pi/Plus (& Ez-Pi plus) range offers users a family of compact, high performance force based surface / Interfacial tensiometers for lab or field use in almost every industry from waste water monitoring to foods & oils & Chrome plating baths to inks & coatings
EZ-PI Plus is a small research oriented tensiometer equipped with a very high resolution sensor.
Kibron EZ-PI Plus was designed and built with reliability and ease of use in mind. EZ-PI Plus is compact size, and easy to move. State-of-the-art sensor technology with excellent resolution, connection for water bath, and intuitive user interface.
The Kibron AquaPi is a battery operated, portable tensiometer, for both laboratory and on-site measurements.
The Kibron AquaPi is a compact tensiometer focused on solely surface tension measurements. The AquaPI is battery operated - you can measure surface tension easily and rapidly, practically anywhere: in the field and in the laboratory, in the classroom, in oil refineries, dairies, water purification plants, chrome plating plants, in vegetable safety assessment, to mention just a few examples. AquaPi - accurate and fast surface tension measurements.
Kibron Delta-8 is a unique surface tension platereader for high throughput applications.
The Delta-8 is the only surface tension plate reader in the market. It can determine the CMC (critical micelle concentration) of a surfactant up to one hundred times faster than with conventional tensiometers.
Surface tension is measured by our proprietary DyneProbe which is ultracompact and requires no correction factors, as usually found with rings and plates. DyneProbes works also with cationic surface active agents.
The Delta-8 uses standard size detection plates and conventional dispensing systems. Each well can be charged with individual samples or in the case of CMC determinations with aliquots of solution of different concentration.
Before every run, the DyneProbes are heated using the Kibron DyneClean furnace. The bottom end of each probe is brought into contact onto a (very) hot surface. Upon contact, the tip of the probe is heated to around 600 °C. This ensures consistent and repeatably clean surfaces. Alternatively, or as a complimentary method the probes can be dipped in a washing cassette containing the appropriate cleaning solutions.
dIFT is dual channel, real time, dynamic inter facial tensiometer. Enable time dependent studies of surfactants at an interface.
The Kibron MicroTrough G series comprises three modern instruments, ranging from small to large. The baseplates are built on 12 mm thick anodized aluminium which provides a very stable support for the measurements. The baseplate provides a standard 25 mm x 25 mm M6 breadboard design around the trough. On this breadboard you can attach other modules, such as surface tension sensor and stand, dip coaters, and third party equipment used in measurements. This modular design facilitates the setup of any experiment. The baseplate can be equipped a range of troughs including standard Langmuir, Langmuir-Blodgett, Microscopy, and Surface potential trough. The troughs are made from the purest PTFE on the market; the trough and dipping well are machined from a single block of PTFE. The baseplate incorporates channels to be connected to a heat bath. This provides an even temperature of both the subphase in the trough and atmosphere inside the acrylic enclosure.
DeltaPi is a tensiometer especially developed for studying interactions in biological systems.
Kibron DeltaPi and DeltaPi-4 are novel types of instruments: Langmuir-tensiometers, which allow you to measure the binding of drugs, peptides, and proteins to lipid membranes - easily and with unparalled sensitivity. We innovate instruments for your innovative science.
Biomembranes and lipids are entering the forefront of biosciences, biotechnology and drug discovery. In these studies lipid monolayers have paved way to breakthroughs in the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of action of lung surfactants, antimicrobial peptides, lipid signaling, blood coagulation, and cell adhesion, just to name a few examples. Drug-lipid and protein-lipid interactions have emerged as a new, very exciting area in drug discovery, deciphering the roles of e.g. phosphatidylinositols (PIPs) in controlling cytoskeleton-membrane interactions. Along similar lines, recent findings have demonstrated the key role of lipid membranes in promoting the formation of toxic oligomers by Alzheimer Abeta peptide, prions, alpha-synuclein, and IAPP (amylin).
DeltaPi series of Langmuir-tensiometers allow you to detect the penetration of drugs, peptides/proteins and nucleic acids into monolayers of specified lipid composition and at precisely controlled lateral packing density. The volume of the magnetically stirred subphase is minimally 150 microliters, which keeps your material consumption very low. One milligram of an antimicrobial peptide, for instance, is sufficient for a comprehensive characterization of its lipid-binding properties. Further, the choice of materials eliminates unwanted non-specific surface effects.
DeltaPi is a single-channel model, while DeltaPi-4 is equipped with four parallel microbalances, increasing significantly the throughput of experiments. When you are in a hurry and need to generate data fast, DeltaPi-4 is your choice.
Both instruments measure surface tension with Kibron's thin wire probes (DyneProbes) from small subphase volumes. They are compact and have an open and robust construction, easy to clean and maintain, operated with our intuitive software, DeltaGraph.
Reproducibility and reliability go hand-in-hand in science and in all Kibron products. DeltaPi and Deltapi-4 outperform all competing products, no matter how you compare them. This is the reason why you find Kibron equipment in leading research laboratories worldwide.
Four channel tensiometer developed for studying interactions in biological systems.
Kibron DeltaPi and DeltaPi-4 are novel types of instruments: Langmuir-tensiometers, which allow you to measure the binding of drugs, peptides, and proteins to lipid membranes - easily and with unparalled sensitivity. We innovate instruments for your innovative science.
Biomembranes and lipids are entering the forefront of biosciences, biotechnology and drug discovery. In these studies lipid monolayers have paved way to breakthroughs in the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of action of lung surfactants, antimicrobial peptides, lipid signaling, blood coagulation, and cell adhesion, just to name a few examples. Drug-lipid and protein-lipid interactions have emerged as a new, very exciting area in drug discovery, deciphering the roles of e.g. phosphatidylinositols (PIPs) in controlling cytoskeleton-membrane interactions. Along similar lines, recent findings have demonstrated the key role of lipid membranes in promoting the formation of toxic oligomers by Alzheimer Abeta peptide, prions, alpha-synuclein, and IAPP (amylin).
DeltaPi series of Langmuir-tensiometers allow you to detect the penetration of drugs, peptides/proteins and nucleic acids into monolayers of specified lipid composition and at precisely controlled lateral packing density. The volume of the magnetically stirred subphase is minimally 150 microliters, which keeps your material consumption very low. One milligram of an antimicrobial peptide, for instance, is sufficient for a comprehensive characterization of its lipid-binding properties. Further, the choice of materials eliminates unwanted non-specific surface effects.
DeltaPi is a single-channel model, while DeltaPi-4 is equipped with four parallel microbalances, increasing significantly the throughput of experiments. When you are in a hurry and need to generate data fast, DeltaPi-4 is your choice.
Both instruments measure surface tension with Kibron's thin wire probes (DyneProbes) from small subphase volumes. They are compact and have an open and robust construction, easy to clean and maintain, operated with our intuitive software, DeltaGraph.
Reproducibility and reliability go hand-in-hand in science and in all Kibron products. DeltaPi and Deltapi-4 outperform all competing products, no matter how you compare them. This is the reason why you find Kibron equipment in leading research laboratories worldwide.