FVS is a compact and portable lab sterilizer with very small overall dimensions for easy handling and use.
The FVS Vertical Lab Sterilizer controls the sterilization process adopting a close loop feedback system using PID algorithm. This solution permits a continuous and accurate control of chamber temperature and pressure with a significant energy saving, even in a so small autoclave.
The FVS series sterilizers are suitable for the use in many different applications in laboratory such as:
Empty glassware Laboratories instruments Small machine parts.
Culture media/solution in small size open containers.
FVG Vertical Lab Sterilizer combines excellent performances with overall high quality materials, simplicity of use and optimal consumption.
All FVG series autoclaves are equipped with a built-in steam generator with automatic water feed pump. These autoclaves can treat a wide range of laboratory goods with reliable sterilization technology, such as: glassware and plastic articles, unwrapped instruments, machine parts and components, porous goods, culture media and liquids in open small size containers, laboratory regular waste in open bags.
The FVG series sterilizers are suitable for the sterilization and decontamination in many different laboratory sectors as:
Private and public microbiology labs.
High schools and universities.
Research institutes.
Life science and biotech labs.
Please, click on the image “recommended kit” to check out all possible configurations referred to FVG series.
The FVA/A1 Vertical Lab Sterilizer combines design with Excellent performances and simplicity of use.
The automatic vertical sterilizer FVA/A1 has been specifically designed and developed to meet the most demanding application requirements in many different sectors, from universities to quality control laboratories in pharma, food or cosmetics industrial sectors.
FVA/A1 autoclave is the perfect solution for highly specialized fields and challenging customers worldwide that demand exclusive, reproducible and validated processes. These sterilizers have been designed with ergonomical features for easy handling and daily use.
The basic version of FVA/A1 can be used for standard processes and is easy to configure, thanks to its conceptual design and modular construction with exclusive optional kits. Please, click on the link “recommended kit” to check out all possible configurations referred to FVA/A1 series.
FOB is a benchtop lab sterilizer that combines excellent performance with high quality materials, ease of use and reduced utilies consumption.
The FOB series are suitable for many different applications, making it the perfect choice to satisfy modern laboratory needs. FOB series autoclaves combines technology and know-how, and can be used by very different laboratories, such as:
Private and public microbiology labs.
High schools and Universities.
Research institutes, life sciences and biotech labs.
Clinical diagnostic labs.
Agriculture, environmental and veterinary labs.
Material testing laboratories.
Quality control lab´s in pharma, food/beverage, chemistry/cosmetics and other industrial sectors.
FOB may be adapted to satisfy various laboratory applications and the treatment of many different types of loads, including waste with high pathogen risk, in addition to solid porous goods, packaged items and liquid/media, in open and sealed containers.
FOB series autoclaves are used in highly specialized fields thanks to a wide selection of options on a modular system. Hence, FOB sterilizers can be configured to meet the most demanding user’s requirements.
The FOB4 Stand-alone Lab Sterilizer is an autoclave that combines excellent performances with overall high quality materials and ease of use.
The FOB4 Lab Sterilizer is suitable for the use in laboratory for many different applications, such as:
Microbiology and analytical labs.
Research institutes and examination agencies.
Bio-Technologies and life sciences.
Animal facility and clinical diagnostic labs.
Pharmaceutical, food, chemistry industries, QC labs.
Hospital operating theaters and medical care.
Agricultural, environmental and veterinary labs.
These sterilizers have been specially designed with ergonomical features for easy handling of higher volume sterilization materials and goods as: glassware, media preparation, liquids, in open and sealed containers, mixed regular and high risk waste, as well as surgery instruments, textiles, rubber articles for hospital use and packaged tools.
FOB4 Stand-alone Lab Sterilizer is easy to be configured, thanks to its conceptual design and modular construction with a convenient portfolio of optional kits. In fact, all the models can be configured using various customized systems guaranteed by the wide range of processes, software options and an extensive choice of accessories. Please, click on the link “recommended kit” to check out all possible configurations referred to FOB4 series.
FOB5 Stand-alone Lab Sterilizer presents a great flexibility of use, ranging from quality assurance laboratories in pharmaceutical or food industries, to BSL3 – 4 laboratories in research centres and/or hospitals.
The possible application of FOB5 series of autoclaves can be:
Microbiology and analytical labs.
Research institutes and examination agencies.
Bio-technologies and life sciences.
Animal facility and clinical diagnostic labs.
Pharmaceutical, food, chemistry industries, Q.C. labs.
Hospital operating theaters and medical care.
Agricultural, environmental and veterinary labs.
As all the autoclaves of Fedegari Lab Division, FOB5 has a modular design which allows a high flexibility of use for different loads and treatments. Please, click on the link “recommended kits” on the right to check out all the possible configurations referred to FOB5 series.
Fedegari Lab Division latest innovation is a Lab Glassware Washer that capitalizes the experience done with FOWS-series of washers in the pharmaceutical industry.
The power of steam: a cost-effective cleaning
The new FGW Lab Glassware Washer uses a steam generator to improve washing performances. Steam has an optimized emollient effect on greasy and sticky dirt. In addition, steam is able to access hard-to-reach areas and therefore clean thoroughly. Moreover the use of steam can significantly reduces operating costs: this really eco-friendly solution allows to minimize the need of detergents as well as water consumption, lowering the running costs per cycle.
A conductivity meter placed on the FGW drain is capable to detect the water purity, helping to terminate the process as soon as the desired set-point is reached thus further reducing water and other utilities consumption of the washer.
The cleaning process is constantly supervised: dedicated probes monitoring the temperature of the air/water and of the steam in chamber. Fedegari Glassware Washer has an internal LED lamp that remains operative during the whole cycle: in case of alarm evident signals are displayed by color change.